
Routley to Lead Probe in Charleston

It has been a busy day. Between accusations that a D.C. firefighter exposed himself to a civilian EMT at a city firehouse, to interviews about the report released on the Lorton, Virginia fire. What I didn’t have time to focus on today is the news from Charleston that a panel has now been picked to investigate the tragedy.

I talked briefly by phone with Gordon Routley who will lead the investigation. Like many of you, I have read some of Chief Routley’s reports. A lot of the reports, sadly, are the details behind the line-of-duty deaths of firefighters.

Chief Routley is well aware of the concerns that have been raised about the independence of this panel. He told me that issue was brought up at the press conference. Chief Routley says he discussed the topic with the rest of the panel and they are satisfied they will be able to provide a”truly independent and complete analysis”.

Gordon Routley is heading back home to wrap up some loose ends and will be back in Charleston next week to begin work.

One note for those in the Washington, D.C. area, Pete Piringer, spokesman for Montgomery County Department of Fire and Rescue, is adding his expertise to this group.

Billy Goldfeder has more details on Routley, Piringer and the other panel members and provides his views on firehouse.com.

Jay Lowry gives us his look at the panel on Firefighter Hourly.

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