Hydrants at Potomac bridges broken; See President’s speech; Next step in Charleston; Department wide apology; Lots of videos

New videos of the day: Above and below, Monday night’s fire on the top floor of a luxury hi-rise under construction. Details here. Some other recent NJ videos can be found on Firefighter Spot.

Old video of the day: Click the image above to see the house fire and rescue in East Vancouver. This appears to be an older video recently added to YouTube.

Hydrants at key Potomac crossings haven’t worked for 8 years

STATter 911 has learned of more, serious hydrant problems in DC. For three-quarters of a mile, all hydrants are broken along Ohio Drive in East and West Potomac Parks. Two of the plugs are key to providing water to Metro’s bridge and tunnel and to protect I-395 and CSX bridges. The story and video here.

Old, old video of the day
Some great film of DCFD in action, mixed with the wonderful pictures famed photographer Gordon Parks took of Engine 4 in the 1940s. Thanks to DC8FD on thewatchdesk.com for the heads up on this one.

President’s speech at Emmitsburg

STATter 911 has streamed President Bush’s entire speech at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial. You can see it here.

Speaking of Emmitsburg

Two reporters had conversations with the man above during the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Memorial Weekend. He made some news, but only one of the reporters was smart enough to write about it. Click here and you will see I wasn’t the smart one (shouldn’t be a surprise to many of you).

When it absolutely, positively has to get there overnight … oh, never mind.

Traffic camera catches FedEx truck burning on Baltimore’s Beltway at Route 40.

Sheriff to the rescue

This video is from lost months Broughton Mill wildland fire in southeast WA.

Firefighter to apologize to entire department

In Illinois a firefighters reinstated after sexual harassment charges will apologize to the whole apartment.

Fire in the Netherlands

At least that’s what I think this is from the locations listed. A series of 5 clips from this fire can be found here.

Around the web

Firegeezer has a very interesting look at Prince George’s County volunteers, their websites and how it relates to reality. He also gives a well deserved nod to Dave Iannone and Chris Hebert, who pioneered this thing that many of us are doing (it’s hell when you are twice the age of the pioneers). Also, the Geeze has details on the NJ chief suspended for the house burning that went bad.

WithTheCommand has details of a church fire in SC.

Grant at SConFire.com has a different link to the Union County, SC church arson.

Firefighter Hourly has made official what was happening anyway, the site is now all Charleston, all the time. His new site for other fire news is Box Alarm Journal.

Another good quality video from Vancouver, BC. This one is a warehouse fire. Check the collapse at about 4:15 in. Click the image to see the video.

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