
Explosion lifts fire truck, injures firefighters


Two YouTube videos of the smoke from a transformer fire at an apartment building in Toronto Sunday morning. Neighbors say all appeared normal when the first firefighters arrived on a call for the smell of smoke in the building. Then an explosion shook the area. More on the 5-alarm fire from City News where you can also find a video report:

The blaze was caused by an exploding hydro vault inside the building.

The building sustained “severe structural damage,” (Fire Chief Bill) Stewart described.

“I can tell you that the explosion was severe. It’s lifted the pavement at the front of the structure. Our fire vehicle first on arriving was actually lifted by the explosion,” he added.

A structural engineer from the City has been called in to look at the building, and Toronto Hydro will be monitoring the air as a precautionary measure.

A resident had smelled smoke and called 911.

When crews first arrived, everything appeared normal.

“All of a sudden there was an explosion, and with that explosion came the fireball and that ruled in the six firefighters being injured,” Stewart outlined.

“When the explosion went it certainly was significant. It’s moved vehicles on the parking levels. It’s blown fire doors off the lower levels. It’s blown any grading that was in the building garage door out.”

Six fire fighters were taken to hospital, three suffering from smoke inhalation. The other three had 2nd degree burns. (Canada.com reports 9 firefighters taken to the hospital)

One citizen, who had left his unit, was also treated for smoke inhalation. None of the injuries were life-threatening.

Fire crews are currently conducting a floor-by-floor search of the smoke-filled building. It’s 21 storeys high, with approximately 10 units per floor.

“The parking levels were charred with smoke and all the floors of the building were charred with smoke. The occupants could not obviously evacuate,” Stewart said.

More video from CTV

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