
Fire officer cuts EMS worker in DC. Described as “negligent horseplay”.

An incident Tuesday evening at DC Fire & EMS Department’s Engine 5 in Georgetown is the subject of an internal investigation after a civilian EMS worker was sent to the hospital for a laceration. Ten stitches were required to close the wound in the man’s hand after he was cut by a by a knife wielding fire lieutenant.

According to officials with the department, the two employees were “roughhousing” or “play fighting” in front of the firehouse when the firefighter pulled a knife with a blade approximately four-inches long. The officials believe the lieutenant meant it as a joke, but instead accidentally slashed the EMS worker across the top of his hand.

Police were called, but according to spokesman Alan Etter, the injured worker declined to press charges. The lieutenant is now on administrative leave while a department investigation continues.

In a statement, Chief Dennis Rubin wrote “this behavior is not acceptable by this department and will not be tolerated”. Rubin added, “It is important that the public understand that this sort of behavior is not condoned in our department, and anyone who engages in it will be dealt with severely”.

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