UPDATED STATter911.com interview with USAR team member: Still hope as another rescue was made last night. Get the Wednesday briefing on Virginia Task Force 1.

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Wednesday morning briefing on Virginia Task Force 1:

Lt. Mark Stone with the Stafford County Fire & Rescue Department is part of Virginia Task Force 1 in Haiti. Stone, retired from the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, has been on a number of these missions around the world. He took some time yesterday afternoon to give STATter911.com an update on their work in Haiti. Click above to listen to the entire interview.

Lt. Stone says that even now, eight days after the earthquake hit. this is still very much a rescue mission. While finding people alive is not happening as frequently, there have still been success stories by search and rescue teams as recently as a few hours before our conversation. As we spoke, members of Virginia Task Force 1 were on at least one mission that had the potential to be successful. For that reason Stone expects the team will be in rescue mode for a few more days.

A recent rescue in Haiti involving Virginia Task Force 1. We are still trying to determine if this is video from last night where the Northern Virginia crew assisted French and Turkish teams with the rescue of a 25-year-old woman or the Sunday night rescue of a 21-year-old woman.

As in our interview with Captain Joe Knerr a day earlier, Stone says the team has not had to deal with the unrest and violence that we have seen in the news coverage from Port-au-Prince. But it is an issue that continues to be watched closely.

While there is enough food and water for the search and rescue team they are being conservative in the use of those resources, watching the supply closely due to restocking issues. Fuel is another commodity that is even more challenging. But Lt. Stone says they are getting where the need to go to be effective.

Stone is greatly impressed by the resiliency of the people of Haiti who had so little to start with and now have to deal with this unbelievable devastation. He expects that members of Virginia Task Force 1 will eagerly help in the humanitarian aid once their focus changes. In the meantime, he reminds us for now this continues to be very much a rescue mission.

And one more important note, Mark Stone sends along a happy birthday greeting today to his wife Terri.

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