Detroit's new commissioner sets policy on fires in vacants. Austin wants clear sign someone is inside before entering.

Click the image to watch the interview with Commissioner Donald Austin.

Bill Carey at Backstep Firefighter sees flaws in the commissioner's comments

Saying, "There's not a building in the city that's worth losing a firefighter's life, particularly if it's vacant", Commissioner Donald Austin is setting policy for the Detroit Fire Department. The Detroit native, who spent his career in the Los Angeles Fire Department, calls the new policy, "kind of a paradigm shift".

The story comes from WDIV-TV. Here's more:

Detroit Fire Commissioner Donald Austin said firefighters would previously enter every building they responded to as a precaution. But now, Austin said, firefighters will only go into a burning building if there's a clear indication that someone is inside. 

"Just to assume that a vacant building always has a squatter or a homeless person in there is kind of a false assumption," Austin said.

 Austin said he'll be spreading the word to his chiefs to use caution, but ultimately the fire leader at the scene will have the final decision on whether to send firefighters into the building or not.

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