UPDATED: Firefighter in Muncie, Indiana reported killed at church fire. FF had been missing after roof collapse.

TheStarPress.com reports a body, believed to be that of a firefighter, has been recovered after a fire at the Tabernacle of Praise Church on the south side of Muncie, Indiana. Indications are the firefighter was killed when the roof of the church at 2200 E.Fuson Road collapsed. The fire was reported at 3:55 PM.

From TheStarPress.com at 5:45 PM:

A Muncie firefighter has died in the southside church fire confirmed Delaware County deputy coroner Jim Clevenger. They are holding identity of firefighter until family is notified. They know where the firefighter is in the church but they can't reach him because of the fire.

From Chris Bergin via The StarPress.com.

More photos from the fire
Aerial video from TheIndyChannel.com
Aerial videos from WTHR

Earlier from The StarPress.com:

The Muncie Fire Department was leading efforts to battle the blaze with help from surrounding volunteer departments, who are bringing water to the site on tanker trucks.

The structure that collapsed and on fire was sanctuary. Firefighters are trying to prevent it from reaching the family fun center on the northside of the building. A church goer at scene reported the church was hand built by church members.

Radio dispatch indicated at 4:15 p.m. a firefight was missing after the roof collapsed


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