DC Fire crime watch update: News report of shootings near firefighter patrols. BackstepFirefighter.com's Bill Carey thinks there's not enough outrage. Plus political cartoon.

Click the image above for a closeup view of Nate Beeler's cartoon from Friday in The Washington Examiner.

Previous coverage of this story

Here are some of the latest items on the crime patrol controversy in the DC Fire & EMS Department. In addition to the political cartoon above, BackstepFirefighter.com's Bill Carey gets pretty passionate about what he sees as a lack of outrage over assigning firefighters to the streets to act as crime deterrants. Click here for Bill's column.

In addition, Andrea Noble at The Washington Times reported the following in an article posted last night:

At least three people were injured in four shootings in the District over a 24-hour period Sunday and Monday, according to fire and police officials.

Two locations that officials responded to for reports of shootings were just blocks from corners where D.C. firefighters have been stationed as crime deterrents. In one instance, a firetruck was on its way to a post when the call about the shooting went out, and in the other instance, firefighters were not assigned to the post at the time of the reported shooting, a fire union official said.

“This obviously shows they are not a crime deterrent in the neighborhoods,” Edward Smith, president of the D.C. Firefighters Association, said.


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