The good news is the toilet paper in the trees is gone — the bad news is so is the house

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In Dora, Alabama a home ringed with toilet paper was wiped from existence. It’s a prank that has been popular for many generations. Some kids in Cheryl Crausewell’s neighborhood rolled the family’s property over the weekend. It was the removal process that’s the unusual part of this story and resulted in the loss of the house.

Melynda Sides & Vanessa Araiza, WBRC-TV:

She and her son worked to clean up the mess on Monday, but some of the toilet paper was still stuck in a magnolia tree.

She said they lit a piece of toilet paper on the magnolia tree with a lighter in an attempt to remove it, but wind blew the piece into the yard, setting the grass ablaze.

Image from WBRC-TV video by Linda Spears.

“It just popped out into a little patch and we tried to put it out and it just kept going, so I was trying to keep it from going down the front porch and came down the bank and around the back of the house,” she said.

Within seconds, Crausewell said the fire spread to the backyard where the propane gas tank from a grill may have added fuel to the fire.

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