
Firefighter out on disability competing in mixed marital arts tournaments

He’s a former Camden, New Jersey firefighter who has been charged with stealing more than $82,000 in state disability pension money. According to news reports, Shane Streater also is a black belt in jiu-jitsu competes and teaches. The image below is from a YouTube video that has since been taken down. Streater applied for his disability in 2009 claiming back injuries after a fire truck was struck by a car and more injuries because a rig hit a pothole.

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It appears Streater was caught because he was greedy. The issue of his other activity came about because of his appeal of the pension board’s decision to give Streater a regular disability pension instead instead of the accidental disability payment which provides more money.

Christopher Baxter, NJ Advance Media:

Streater claimed to have injured his back and neck in the incidents. An independent doctor concluded he had a total and permanent disability, but that it was from a preexisting condition and not work related, authorities said.

In 2010, the state Police and Firemen’s Retirement System awarded Streater a less lucrative ordinary disability pension. Ordinary disability pays 40 percent of salary and is taxed, while accidental disability pays two-thirds of salary and is untaxed.

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Streater appealed, insisting his disability was work-related and he was entitled to the higher award. During the appeal, however, authorities said they learned Streater was teaching jiu-jitsu two or more times a week at a mixed martial arts academy.

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