Radio traffic from Detroit Fire Storm 2017

Detroit Fire Storm 2017

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Earlier today: 5 dead in afternoon Detroit apartment fire

Besides this (Wednesday) afternoon’s apartment fire that killed five people (video here) there have been numerous other Detroit fires pushed by high winds. The radio traffic, above, from wildfirevideosWNY (Detroit Fire Incidents Facebook Page) shows how busy it was today.

Tanya Moutzalias,

Numerous downed power lines and fires were being reported around the city, with winds recorded at nearly 60 mph by the National Weather Service.

Nine fire companies tackled the fatal fire, with help from Highland Park, Fornell said.

“They were trying to get in that building, and they were just like — into the mouth of the dragon. It was just horrendously hot, and heavy smoke and it was just very horribly to go against,” Fornell said.

The fire department was spread thin Wednesday afternoon. Three other fires were seen in the same area as the fatal blaze about 3 p.m.

The mayor’s office issued a release asking residents to limit 911 calls to serious emergency situations.

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