NTSB to investigate fire engine hit by Tesla in California

Previously: “A Tesla Model S on autopilot hits fire engine at California crash scene”

Not sure I can recall the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigating too many crashes involving fire apparatus (though one comes to mind – the fatal train and fire engine wreck in Catlett, Virginia in 1989). But that’s the case after yesterday’s (Monday) collision in Culver City, California where a Tesla S Model ran into the back of Culver City Fire Department Engine 42 at the scene of a collision. NTSB announced the news in a tweet this afternoon (above).

The reason for the investigation appears to be interest in the possible use of the “Autopilot” feature on the vehicle. Culver City Firefighters (IAFF Local 1927) reported that the driver claim to be using the feature and was traveling at 65 mph at the time of the collision. California Highway Patrol did not publicly confirm the use of “Autopilot.”

NTSB previously found that aspects of Tesla’s “Autopilot” were a factor in the 2016 fatal crash in Williston, Florida that killed 40-year-old Joshua Brown (Details here).

A Tesla rear-ended a fire truck parked to respond to an accident on I-405
in Culver City, Calif. on Jan. 22, 2018, according to the Culver City Fire
Department and California Highway Patrol. (Culver City Firefighters Local
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