IAFC calls for mandatory vaccination for fire and EMS

New position paper released on Tuesday

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Read IAFC position paper

The International Association of Fire Chiefs advocating for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all fire and EMS personnel. The news came today (Tuesday) in a position an IAFC position paper. Here’s the operative paragraph:

Upon the approval of a COVID-19 vaccine by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the IAFC calls upon all fire chiefs to advocate for the mandatory vaccination of all of their fire and EMS department personnel against the COVID-19 virus by an FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine, except for those who cannot be vaccinated due to qualified mmedical conditions or a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. Additionally, the IAFC recommends that fire chiefs collaborate with their occupational and public health partners to identify the most expeditious means for their fire and EMS department personnel to obtain the vaccination.

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