Arrival video & radio traffic: Deadly New Hampshire fire seriously burns captain — 6 people rescued

Manchester Capt. Steve DesRuisseaux caught in flashover attempting rescue

New Hampshire: Incredible baby rescue video during Manchester fatal fire 11-6-2021

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Arrival video (above) from The 4K Guy – Fire & Police taken during a three-alarm fire Saturday in Manchester, New Hampshire that killed one person and seriously burned Capt. Steve DesRuisseaux. Firefighters brought six people to safety via ground ladders at three different locations in the building.  Radio traffic (below) from Fireground Audio Archive – a 911 ERV Channel.

Manchester Fire Department press release:

The City of Manchester Fire Department were dispatched to a building fire at 8-10 Dutton Street a 6-unit multi-famliy building at 6:08 pm last night. Engine 11 returning from a medical call was first to arrive at 6:10pm, and reported heavy fire on all three floors of the building. The Engine 11 crew immediately began external operations to knock down the fire, at which time Captain Steve DesRuisseaux observed residents trapped on the 3rd floor. Captain DesRuisseaux notified all personnel that they would be in rescue mode and made entry into the building.

Battalion Chief Dave Flurey assumed command and directed arriving apparatus to set up ground ladders to assist rescue operations. Truck1 rescued one adult male and one adult female by ladder from the third floor Dutton-Amhesrt Street corner of the building. Engine 11 and Rescue 1 rescued two juvenile females and one adult male by ladder from the third floor front side of the building. Truck 1 and Truck 6 set up a ladder to the second floor on the backside of the building. They were able to rescue one adult male.

After rescuing the adult male, Captain DesRuisseaux became engulfed in flames during a flashover. He attempted to bail from the second floor porch, and in the process his self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) strap got caught on the ladder trapping him. Lieutenant Scott Brassard climbed the ladder to assist in free in g captain DesRuisseaux. Truck 1 Firefighter Joshua Charpentier, quickly assessed heavy fire coming from the second floor and made the decision to knock the ladder away from the building to prevent further injury to Captain DesRuisseaux.

As a result of the 10-15 foot fall, Lieutenant Brassard sprained his ankle, however continued to work for the duration of the incident, seeking medical treatment after the fact. Captain DesRuisseaux was transported by AMR to Elliot Hospital, and then transported by UMass Memorial Lifeflight to Massachusetts General Hospital. Captain DesRuisseaux suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to approximately 35-40%of his body and is currently receiving treatment for his injuries.

”The acti o n s of the crews last night went above and beyond th e call of du ty, and Capta in DesRuisseaux’s effo r ts were not hin g sho rt o f hero ic. Capt ain DesRui sseau x’s act ions led to th e r escu e o f six peop le and is a tru e testament to Steve’ s pr ofessi onali sm .” – Batt alion Chief Flurey.

The City of Manchester Fire Department would like to thank the numerous agencies who assisted last night including Manchester Police Department, and the following fire departments: Allenstown, Auburn, Bedford, Concord, Derry, Hudson, Hooksett, Litchfield, Londonderry, Merrimack, and Nashua. A special thank you to the crews and staff at AMR, Elliot Hospital, UMass Memorial Lifeflight, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Local 718 Boston Firefighter’s Burn Foudation.

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