
Kentland EMS Search; Charleston Paper Looks at PPE & Who Will Lead Probe; Mutual Aid and CA LODD; Felony Charges in VA; Lots of things Exploding

Incoming! Click the picture above to see the raw version of WFAA-TV’s best ground video of the Dallas fire and explosions. Must see TV. If you ever need evidence to justify why you are shutting down that interstate highway, here it it. More below.

Recruitment underway for Kentland’s EMS division.

You read it first here last week and now Kentland Acting Chief Tony Kelleher confirms a national recruitment drive is underway for those who want to be part of a separate EMS division at the all-volunteer company.

PPE, or lack of it, makes the headlines in Charleston today.

It is not news to any of us familiar with modern fire service practices who saw some of the first pictures from the Charleston tragedy, that there were likely to be issues over how some firefighters were dressed. Now, The Post and Courier’s Ron Menchaca and Glenn Smith do their usual excellent job of explaining this concern to the public. Along the way they quote Jay Lowry, who runs firefighterhourly.com.

Panel probes Charleston fire, but guess who is leading it?

According to The Post and Courier the answer to that question is Mayor Joe Riley, Fire Chief Rusty Thomas and Police Chief Greg Mullen.

Mutual Aid is the topic again, after a second deadly fire.

Following the weekend deaths of two Contra Costa County, California firefighters, The San Francisco Chronicle reports it appears the closest fire engines weren’t sent. This is at least the second fatal fire where this issue has come up between the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and the Richmond Fire Department.

As I told you a few days ago, I am working on a blog entry about automatic mutual aid in the Washington and Baltimore region. This issue was brought to my attention by a firefighter’s concerns over a recent fatal fire. I am putting the finishing touches on the story and should have it to you soon.

Dallas fire and explosions, the day after.

Dallas Morning News has detailed coverage of Wednesday’s fire in an industrial/medical gas complex near two interstate highways. If you haven’t seen the video, you will want to. Here is our description as we watched it live, along with links to the Dallas TV stations.

Centreville, VA homeowner now charged with a felony.

Mike Baglini, who had all of those explosive devices at his home when it caught fire two Sundays ago, has now been officially charged with a felony. Fairfax Fire Marshals say Baglini was making large pyrotechnic devices like those used in public fireworks displays. More later.

A little of something for everyone on firegeezer.com.

Bill Schumm has more on some recent EMS labor disputes where the “s” word has been mentioned. He also looks at the success of a fire patrol and a lot of other things, including Jim Featherstone claiming to be younger than FossilMedic and Firegeezer, yet still waxing nostalgic for “Emergency!”. Like we believe it was just his father who had a thing for Dixie.

Code red or the Canadian version of status board bingo.

Remember, not all that long ago, when every weekday afternoon around 2:00 or 3:00, you heard D.C. Fire & EMS dispatchers transmitting medical locals with the phrase, “No EMS units available”? EMSresponder.com has this story from Hamilton and the city’s frequent code reds, indicating that no ambulances are available.

Vehicle fire videos.

We started this with things blowing up. We end today’s digest with things blowing up. Rhett Fleitz at VAFireNews.com has some recent vehicle fire videos that have people jumping. But luckily, there were no injuries. Rhett thinks they are good reminders for firefighters.

Truck fire in Myrtle Beach.

Car fire in Tysons Corner.

Don’t mean to turn this into the old SCTV Celebrity Blow-up (“He blowed up real good”). Just one of those days.

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