
Saturday in Emmitsburg

A lot of work being done today in Emmitsburg, MD. Added to the normal chaos of pulling off such an event is the planning for the arrival of President George W. Bush for Sunday’s National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service.

Word is that the President plans to stay a bit longer than his visit exactly 6 years ago. Then, he had to rush off and we all learned the reason as we ate lunch in the dining hall. On October 7, 2001 the war in Afghanistan began. We are hearing that President Bush is hoping to have a few moments with the survivors of each of the fallen firefighters being honored this weekend.

Honor Guard members perform a run through.

Relatives pay a visit.

Chairman Hal Bruno actually sits down for a few moments with one of his biggest fans.

My old friend Greg Cade spending a moment with my son, Sam. As Sam was pulling a line off of Ron Siarnicki’s vintage engine, Chief Cade was heard to say that already he seems to be doing a better job than his father ever did.

Sorry for the family photos, but with everything going on, I am surprised I could even get NFFF Executive Director Ron Siarnicki to stand still for a moment. The photographer for the above photo is Chief Tom Carr, Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service.

A reminder of what this is all about. It has been ten years since DCFD lost John Carter.

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