
Quick takes

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A lot of popping and hissing: Rhett Fleitz found this video of a house fire early Thursday morning in Woodbridge, Virginia. The note with the video indicates fireworks and propane for camping stored in the garage are making all the racket. There are two other parts to the video and a many other videos at Rhett’s VAFireNews.com.

No money for repairs means longer waits for trucks and squads and no new volunteers: (UPDATED – video added to the story.) Maryland’s PGFD believes there are enough engines to go around if volunteer companies share their second pumpers, but the department is already seeing issues with trucks and squads. In a very blunt assessment, the department’s spokesman confirms a long list of issues due to some serious belt tightening in Prince George’s County. Yesterday about a third of the truck companies were out of service. We have a department memo indicating there is no money for repairs for the last six weeks of the fiscal year and there may be similar problems for the next budget cycle. On top of it the county can’t increase its volunteer ranks to help save money. There are 43 people who signed up to be volunteer firefighters who can’t get their physicals because says it doesn’t have the money (or even toilet paper for the stations). We have the official statement, documents and details. Click here.

I wonder how PGFD answered this survey: In anticipation of its press conference at DC’s Engine 3 this morning, Fireman’s Fund has already posted results of its survey of the American fire service. The survey takes a close look at the impact from the economy. Besides national results, there are details from nine different regions including the Washington, DC area. Check it out.

Explosion site tour in Texas: Dave Drummond went back to the tank farm in Lamesa, Texas to show what it looked after all the destruction from Thursday night’s explosion. See his latest video.

Take the money and run?: That seems to be the option Victorian Country Fire Authority CEO Neil Bibby is taking after getting a $900,000 donation from an underworld figure. Mick Gatto is an Italian-Australian heavyweight boxer who was big in the 70s, a professional mediator within the building industry and a convicted criminal with ties to Melbourne’s underworld. He held a fundraiser to assist the fire service after the Black Saturday bushfires. The event drew criticism from law enforcement. The controversy continues as Bibby says they will use the money to develop leadership programs. Click here and here for details.

Investigation delayed into sexual assault of firefighter on Cayman Islands: A firefighter received an 18-month jail sentence after being found guilty of “indecent assault” of a female colleague from incidents that occurred at the end of 2006. The victim has since quit her job and now a department investigation into the whole mess is on hold awaiting court transcripts. Read the details.

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